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What is the main field of occupation of Albus Technologies LTD.?Our main occupation is research and development of custom-tailored electric motors to fit your application perfectly.
Do you hold off-the-shelf products?No. We do not hold off the shelf products.
Does Albus Technologies have motors in products that are already on the market?Yes.
What are the benefits of Albus Technologies as opposed to other companies?Albus Technologies has more than 30 years of experience in the field of electric motion. If you are looking for high efficiency, high reliability, and the best motor to fit your application - you've come to the right place!
Are there any size/power limitations, for which Albus Technologies cannot custom-tailor a motor?No.
We are a start-up company, and are just in the beginning of developing our product. How can Albus Technologies benefit us?Albus Technologies can help you with general design, power distribution, work algorithm and more. We would love to hear about your product. Contact us for further information.
I think Albus-500 L1 motor will fit my drone. What do I do now?There is a fair chance that one of our products will fit you application. However, tests still need to be made. Please contact us for further information.
I already have a fully running machine in which I'm using off-the-shelf motor. How can Albus Technologies be beneficial of me?Off-the-shelf products have a clear financial benefit - they are cheaper. However, they are not always optimal for a specific propeller, and not as efficient. Albus Technologies can custom-tailor a motor, test it for every parameter you require, and manufacture that same motor in large quantities. Furthermore, every motor we manufacture, we test according to our customers ATP (Acceptance Test Procedure).
How does Albus Technologies motors withstand in harsh environment?We can manufacture a motor to withstand any environment. As you can see in our product section, some of our motors have an Index of Protection IP67 - can be completely submerged in water.
Does it mean you can develop and manufacture electric motor for marine and sub-marine application?Yes, that is exactly what it means.
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